Let's remember again the things that have happened in our relationship, whether it's good or bad. Are you ready, Love? Then, please press the button on the calendar's month to proceed it.

March 2020


That day, was the day I sent menfess for the umpteenth time. But something was different happened. On that day I met someone who had changed my life. Someone who has kindness like an angel. Someone who has a good personality. And that figure is named, Xivano.

Actually I didn't think that we would end up being lovers like this. I guess we just ended up as usual, just exchanged formal greetings and a few days later disappeared. I was immediately grateful for being close to you. Even though it was weird, it did at least make you notice me.

Not far from that date, one day later i messaged you via dm. Invites you to play Plato together, but I also deny it for a reason. And you already know what the reason is; I was in the parking lot, do you remember? I don't think so, you look dubious.

I can't stop thinking, why can you get my attention even though all you do is breathe? And, what is even more surprising is that I always agree to every word you say. Wasn't I too S I M P to you even though we didn't have any relationship at that time?


It looks like i have told you many times, about how confused I was when I wanted to ask you to be my lover. For the first time, it took me 2 weeks to approach someone. You are not someone who is hard to approach, but there is something else inside you that is difficult to understand.

Maybe you have seen it, when I asked my friends; Do you like me? Do you love me? and when I show your response to all my messages, they say; Yes. yes, he has opened his heart to you. If there is a proverb; People will be stupid when they fall in love, then that's me. Someone who became a fool for loving you.

After that, another problem came. I told you I'm being stupid right? I really don't understand how to say "that" to you. I'm too shy, maybe? and I'm too nervous. Hey, getting rejected by someone you like is sad isn't it? Until finally, I asked for opinions from the people closest to me, and they gave me a solution how I asked you to be my lover; Through Google Form.

When you say that you were surprised when you found me confessing my feelings to you, believe me, I was more surprised to see the answer you gave. Finally, I found someone who I will guard his heart until the time that I can't predict. Right on March 25, 2020, we become someone who can give love to each other.


One month and three days had passed and until finally the first problem came. You dared to say "that" to me with me pretending to be stupid, not knowing what you meant. Mmmm, well, actually I just want to make sure, not to disagree with what you said.

I want to say sorry. For my mistake that time, I really admire you for giving me a second chance. I'm not saying I feel regret for that, because with my mistakes at that time, I learned one thing. That the heart can't, and will never be divided. Maybe that day you sad. Maybe that day you felt like the most useless person. Because of that, I convinced you to stay with me. So that I can prove that you deserve to be happy, and you are someone who is the most precious in this world.

You ever told me that you thought at that time our relationship would end. I don't know this is called "shameless person" or "never giving up person", but I was successful to keep us together. I was successful to convince you to keep writing new stories in our book of life. I still have you today, and I'm very grateful.

January 2021


Sheet by sheet in our story books has been filled. All good and bad happenings are in it. We may not be the best couple, but we always try to be the best. I chose you to be someone who accompanies my days forever, and you accept me to be someone who takes care of you. We're the perfect match, right? Yeah, I hope so.

You know? We made it through 300 days together. The day we had fun, the day we laughed, the day we grieved, the day we cried, the day we fought .. Isn't that a nice memory? I hope you will say yes because it will become a memory that we can't do together anymore.

I won't say many words. I just want to say sorry, please and thank you. Sorry for hurting your heart a lot, be it on purpose or not. Thank you for being with me until now and for completing me. And please, please stay by my side until the time that we separate.

I have fallen for you, for the umpteenth time and in the future will continue to be like that. Hi love, have a good 300 days with me. There is one person who always makes me dream. You are my dream. My love for you is beyond words. See you again? I hope you like this even though it is cannot compared to what you have given me. ♡